All of our crypto assets are in safe custody thanks to our partner Fireblocks, one of Forbes's 2021 Fintech 50. Visit their website to learn more about Fireblocks:
Fireblocks uses the MPC (multi-party computation) which is a cryptographic technology that allows multiple parties to each hold secret information and then solve a problem that requires the input of all these secrets in a decentralized way, without ever sharing the secret information with one another. Like multisig, it removes the single point of failure when applied to crypto; however, it’s also protocol agnostic (e.g. compatible with any blockchain) and far more scalable than multisig.
As MPC grows in prominence, more and more custody providers are centering their security strategy around this technology. While MPC is the strongest protection available for private keys, digital assets holders are also realizing that a solution that only accounts for private key attacks isn’t secure enough for today’s cybercriminals.
To have a fully secure custody solution, you need to secure deposit addresses and credentials in addition to private keys. This means utilizing technologies like a deposit address authentication network, policy engines, and chip-level hardware isolation in tandem with MPC to ensure that all angles of attack are protected from outsider and insider attacks.
You can find all details here :
Moreover, all our systems are using 2FA authentification in order to keep your digital assets safe!
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