If your payment have been rejected, it can be due to the following reasons :
- Insufficient balance :
In case of refusal due to lack of funds on your Euro wallet, we kindly invite you to deposit funds by a bank transfer for example.
- Limits reached:
If a payment has been refused when your account balance should allow for payment, it is likely that your withdrawal or payment limits have been reached. In case of refusal for lack of availability on your limits, we kindly invite you to wait until your limits resetting.
- Wrong PIN code used:
In case you have entered 3 times the wrong PIN code, your card will be blocked.
Please refer to this article in order to unblock it: How do I unblock my card?
- Freezed card :
You have voluntarily or involuntarily chosen to use the "freeze/unfreeze my card" function (a feature designed to protect the customer by blocking all payments and withdrawals), you should unlock your card from the "Card" section : HOW DO I FREEZE MY CARD?
- Contactless payment :
In the event of a refusal of a contactless payment and without receiving notification, we invite you to make a payment or withdrawal with entry of the confidential code, in order to reset your limits.
More details available here : Contactless
- Online payment :
If payments are systematically refused, we invite you to check the bank details of your online payment (validity date, cryptogram, card numbers) and your 3D Secure access.
Please also note that for security reasons, card payments to certain merchants or online stores may be rejected depending on the merchant's location or the services offered.
A card payment rejection may also occur while traveling abroad as a security measure, potentially causing a temporary block on your card. In this case, please contact our customer service, providing the relevant country and your travel dates.
Finally, to find out the status of your transaction and whether or not a payment has been taken into account, we invite you to contact the merchant directly before to contact our customer support.
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