A dedicated section to "gainers" and "losers" crypto assets is available in the application.
You can easily access this list by following these steps:
- Go to "Discover" page
- Select "Digital asset market"
- Look for the "Gainers" and "Losers" sections
What defines a gainer or loser digital asset?
Thanks to our algorithms analysis we are able to select a list of gaines or losers cryptocurrencies.
This list is based on market trends. It is also updated hourly thanks to various criteria defined and adjusted by our Algo traders.
How are these trends determined?
Our algorithmic analysis helps us identify whether a digital asset shows a bearish, neutral, or bullish trend in the short or medium term.
A gainer digital asset is characterized by:
- An upward trend in the market
- This gain occurring in the short term
A loser digital asset is characterized by:
- A downward trend in the market
- This loss occurring in the short term
Please note: The content of our analyses does not constitute investment advice or recommendations.
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